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Password change

Changing your password on the online exchange platform

To ensure the highest security standards to our Users, recommends that you periodically change your password. We also suggest that you change your password in any situation in which you suspect your password might have been compromised. In order to change your password, select the “change password" tab from the side menu in the Trading Panel and then complete the field in the form displayed, including the previous and the new passwords.




The new password, like the previous one, should be strong enough to warrant adequate security on the website. When entering the new password, the User may see its strength, which is visualised graphically for the data entered in the password field.



Minimum password strength – moderate

In order for the password to be accepted by the system, it has to be at least “moderate". To achieve such strength, it must include at least 8 characters, including upper and lower cases, digits and special characters such as "!,@,#,$,%,^,*,?,_"; The new password must be confirmed by entering it again for verification. To complete the changes, select the “download code" option.



A one-time code generated automatically will be sent to the User’s e-mail address provided during registration, which should be copied and pasted in the relevant field of the Trading Panel.



Password changes with relevant password strength and authentication tools guarantee a high level of security. To save and approve changes, select “save". This completes the password change process. A confirmation of the password change completion is a message on the correct password change.


If it turns out that the password does not meet the security standards and is not strong enough or was incorrectly repeated, an error message will appear. The message should be closed and the field completion process should be repeated.

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